SD Members’ Page

Sailing Division Members’ Page

Payment Information

Sailing Division Email

Other Member Resources

Booking And Events Calendar:

Bookings and Events is our most comprehensive calendar but it may take up to 12 hours for recent bookings to be updated. For current vessel booking status please check the availability calendars for Blue Belle and Kitkatla.

Emergency Towing – C-Tow

The C-Tow membership number is 1911458 all club vessels. or both vessels, If and when we need service C-Tow finds us easier by membership number rather than with Warm Land Sailing Association name or vessel name. For service, the number to call is 1-888-419-CTOW(2869)

About the Members’ Feedback area

Before booking a vessel and/or embarking on a trip, skippers are strongly advised to check the feedback on any issues reported by other skippers who recently used the boat. You can go directly to the most recent reports for Blue Belle, or Kitkatla.

In accordance with the Sailing Division SOP, any noted deficiencies or concerns that might affect the safety or serviceability of the boat should be immediately reported to the Board of Directors.

In addition to reporting problems in the onboard log book, members are requested to complete an online Feedback Form for Blue Belle or Kitkatla on completion of their trip. Prompt reporting of problems may help avoid not only unpleasant surprises but also potential safety hazards for the next skipper and crew, .

Blue Belle Skipper Feedback

Blue Belle Followup/Action Taken

Members can update the status of outstanding problems with Blue Belle by completing an online form .

Kitkatla Skipper Feedback

Kitkatla Followup/Action Taken

Members can update the status of outstanding problems with Kitkatla by completing an online form .

Club Documents

Sailing Division Members

Power Division Members

Board of Directors

Instructional Videos